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Truth & Reconciliation Week – Orange Shirt Day
We will have our Orange Shirt Day Wed., Sept. 29 If you can, please have
students wear orange. Each year on Orange Shirt Day, we wear orange shirts to
acknowledge and remember children who attended residential schools and the
impact of these schools on children and families of aboriginal ancestry and our
shared Canadian history of this atrocity. We wear orange to reflect on the truth
of our shared history and to support Indigenous peoples and communities. Please
see here for more information https://www.orangeshirtday.org/.


Next Thursday, all SD 62 schools and buildings will be closed to commemorate the
history and ongoing trauma caused by residential schools and to honor those who
were lost and the survivors, families and communities who continue to grieve.
For more information about the National Truth and Reconciliation Committees 94
calls to action see here. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/british-columbiansour-governments/indigenous-people/aboriginal-peoplesdocuments/calls_to_action_english2.pdf


Savory Elementary School Start

Dear Parents and Guardians,


First Day

On behalf of the Savory staff, we are excited to welcome students back to school next Tuesday, September 7.  This first day for students in grades 1-5 is a shortened day and will run from 8:45 am to 11:38 am.

Students in grades 1 through 5 will return to their last year’s teacher and classroom on Tuesday through Thursday next week.  Ms. Deanne Lee will be teaching a class this year and so will be welcoming students who were in Ms. Milne and Ms. Robichaud’s class.

We ask that students line up outside of their classroom exterior doors if their classroom is on the main floor or at their regular exterior playground spot if their classroom was on the upper floor.  Teachers will come and escort students to the classroom.

For our new students and families, we ask that you meet us at the flagpole by our parking lot.   We would like to meet our new parents/guardians and students for a few minutes outside and then we will bring our new students inside to our gym where we will give them a brief orientation and take them to their first week classrooms.  Please pick your child up at the flagpole outside of our gym at the end of the day 11:38 am. We are keen to welcome you to Savory!

First Week

For this first week, teachers plan a variety of learning experiences to transition students back into the classroom and create a sense of community and belonging as well as to provide students with skills and understandings to help them have a successful school year.  We will work to ensure we have class placements determined this week and to transition students to their new classes by Friday.  An email will be sent home to parents and guardians with specifics next week. Please know that our staff is very thoughtful determining class placements for each student.

Kindergarten Gradual Entry

A reminder that Kindergarten is a gradual entry with shorten days Friday, September 10, Monday, September 13, and Tuesday, September 14.  The first full day of Kindergarten is Wednesday, September 15. Parents of students in Kindergarten please refer to the letter sent to you in July and then again last week for your family’s specific time.

School Supplies

For the first days of school, we ask that you do not send school supplies with students and that school supplies are sent when we transition student to their new classes later next week.  Teachers will let students know on Tuesday what basic supplies may be helpful for them to have for the first days. Our school supply list is on our school website https://savory.web.sd62.bc.ca/students/school-supply-list/. We ask that students come prepared with their healthy snacks and lunches in their backpacks.


School Schedule

8:45 am           school starts/classes begin

10:25-10:40      recess

12:00-12:45     lunch

2:38 pm           school ends

We ask that your child arrives as close as 8:45 am and departs a close to 2:38 pm as we do not have before and after school supervision.


Sign in/Out Procedure

Students arriving late or leaving early must sign in or out at the office. Please knock on the front door.  You and your child will need to wait and someone will come and escort your child to the office.

Student Absence/Attendance

If your child is absent, we ask that you please email us at  savory@sd62.bc.ca.


Health and Safety Guidelines for all staff and students

We have had some changes to our COVID protocols and other things have stayed the same so that we are safe and well. Please remember to

  • Complete the Daily Health Checklist before coming to school – parents please go through the daily health check for each of your children prior to sending them to school
  • Stay home when sick – students and staff are not to come to school if they are ill
  • Masks:
    • All students in grades 4-12, staff and visitors must wear a mask when indoors and on busses except when eating
    • K-Grade 3 students are encouraged to wear masks
  • Focus on washing or sanitizing hands – we will continue to have students wash their hands multiple time a day
  • Focus on cleaning throughout the school


Changes for the 2021/2022 School Year

  • Students will no longer be organized into cohorts or learning groups
  • Sports, events and extra-curricular activities will resume, in alignment with Public Health Orders
  • Gatherings and events can occur
  • Visitors and community use and rentals can resume

Our Superintendent, Mr. Scott Stinson sent out an email to all families in August outlining the specifics of the Health and Safety Guidelines. This information can also be found on the SD 62 website. You can of course give me a call or email if you have questions and I will do my best to answer.

Parents/Visitors at Savory Elementary

As per the new guidelines, we are able to welcome parents/guardians and visitor back into Savory.  We will need you to please make an appointment with us to do so and you will need to complete the daily health check for yourself and wear a mask.

At this time, we are learning how we might be able to have school gatherings but we will be going slowly and of course follow the guidelines set for school gatherings by the Provincial Health Officer. As we have more information, we will share this with you.  School community events are important to all of us and so when we can we will look to resume these in a safe manner.

Savory Staff

I am thrilled to be joining the Savory staff team and Savory school community this year as Principal.  This is my fifth year as a Principal in the Sooke School District after being and Principal, Vice-Principal and teacher in the lower mainland.  I feel very grateful to live, work and play in this beautiful community!  I am very much looking forward to meeting and working with Savory students, parents and staff.

I would like to welcome new staff members to Savory – Mr. Devin Campbell (Education Assistant), Ms. Yvette Froese (Inclusion Teacher), Ms. Rosalyn Lee (Education Assistant) and Ms. Cheryl Ring (Early Childhood Educator).

And welcome to our returning staff team….

Ms. Robin Bayne – Secretary                          Mr. Greg Dodds – Vice-Principal

Ms. Jenni Shipway – Teacher                         Ms. Danielle Vernon- Teacher

Ms. Barb Bonsdorf – Teacher                         Ms. Anne Nickel – Teacher

Ms. Dawn Duddridge – Teacher                     Ms. Marnie Ferguson – Teacher

Mr. Jack Showers – Teacher                           Ms. Deanne Lee – Teacher

Ms. Chelsea Marle – Teacher                                      Ms. Courtney Simcoff – Teacher

Mr. Ian Daykin – Teacher                                              Ms. Carol Knudson – Custodian

Ms. Michelle Edington – Education Assistant        Ms. Shannon Faulkner – Education Assistant

Mr. Shane Funk – Education Assistant                     Ms. Sandra Hett – Education Assistant

Ms. Diana Wass – Education Assistant                     Ms. Tracey Whitford – Education Assistant

Ms. Sheryl Barker – Education Assistant                 Ms. Sue Panton – Teacher Librarian

Ms. Danica Fruttarol – Library Assistant                  Ms. Erin Still – Inclusion Teacher

Ms. Yvette Froese – Inclusion Teacher                    Mr. John Kay – Supervision Aide


Our staff will be at school tomorrow planning for a wonderful year at Savory!  We are happy to be back and are keen to see your children next week.

Apologies for the lengthy email but I had much to share with you. I will do my very best to update you with Savory news and information throughout the school year.  Please also remember to send your child in clothing and gear to be outside as we will be spending much time outside – rain, sun or snow. Rain gear is really needed as fall approaches.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!



Any one can join in…

Savory PAC June Zoom Meeting 1 Time: Jun 8, 2021 06:30 PM Vancouver Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74459558149?pwd=VVZxTW9KZVYybkF5aFVXZnVCaGx2UT09
 Meeting ID: 744 5955 8149 Passcode: PAC 

Interested in joining the Executive of the PAC?  Or just want to know more about what they do for our school?  Join the Zoom meeting to learn more. (see our calendar page for the Zoom meeting info)