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Savory PAC is currently taking orders until Tuesday April 4 for flower and produce baskets. Orders will be accepted online through the Hot Lunch site and with the attached Spring Order Form.

2023 Spring Order Form

Hilltop Brochure


Pizza Hut March 6

Kernel’s Popcorn March 17

Please place your order online at savory.hotlunches.net

Pizza Hut orders and payment are due Feb 27

Kernel’s orders and payment are due March 6

Late orders cannot be accepted.


Below are some of the PAC fundraising efforts for the 2023 year. As a PAC we try to provide a variety of fundraising opportunities throughout the school year. Please do not feel any pressure as we do not expect parents to participate or buy products from all fundraisers. The money generated fully goes back to support the students at Savory Elementary. Any questions or if you are interested in helping the PAC with events/fundraising please contact Savory PAC at savoryfundraising@gmail.com

Starting today are Purdy’s Chocolates and Make it Sow.  How to order:

Online at https://fundraising.purdys/com Customer ID12894. Last day to order is Feb. 28

Online at https://makeitsow.com/shop#code-submission Group Code SE_2023. Last day to order is Feb. 28.

Upcoming Fundraisers

Hilltop Greenhouse spring/summer veggies and flower baskets

Stick in the Mud Coffee

Savory Spirit Wear



Please place your order online at savory.hotlunches.net

(we prefer you use the online ordering system as it is much less work. Paper orders are harder to keep track of. Online orders and payment are due Feb. 19, If submitting a cash order, the order form and payment are due no later than Feb. 15. No late orders will be accepted and no change will be given.



Dear Families,

Beginning on January 23, 2023, families who have students who have been force transferred to Savory school (placed here due to space constraints at their in-catchment school) must submit a School Change Request (SCR) form to return to their in-catchment school.

Families that would like to request a change to an out of catchment school may also apply at this time. Priority will be given to students who have been force transferred and would like to return to their in-catchment school.

Please note SCRs will not be reviewed until after Spring Break. Schools will respond by June 1, 2023, whether or not the change request can be accommodated.

School Change Request Process

  2. Dates: January 23 – February 3, 2023
    • Open to students who were force transferred to an overflow school by the district or made the choice to leave their in-catchment school and would like to return.
    • Open to students who are requesting a transfer to an out of catchment school.

Learn more: School Change Requests

Important Information

A critical piece you should note when considering a School Change Request is district provided transportation services

  1. If you decide not to apply for a SCR you will no longer be considered a “force transfer” student. By not submitting a SCR to return to your in-catchment school, you will be choosing to continue at your current school through personal choice. As a result, you will be ineligible for district provided transportation services.
  2. If you apply for a SCR but are not successful in receiving a seat at your in-catchment school your child will again be considered a “force transfer” and you will be eligible for district provided transportation services.
  3. If you apply for a SCR and are successful you can still apply for district provided transportation services. However, transportation registration is dependent on your primary home address and whether safe walking routes have been identified by the Transportation Department.
  4. If you apply for an out of catchment school and are successful, you are making a personal choice to attend an out of catchment school and ineligible for district provided transportation services.

The Savory PAC is hosting a Board Game Night, February 9, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, with games and instructors provided by Interactivity Board Game Cafe.

Admission is by donation at the door (suggested $2), Cash Only. Chips, candy, juice and water will also be Cash Only. Pizza will be available as pre-order only.

Please RSVP so the PAC can give the Board Game Cafe an idea of how many games and instructors to provide. Pre-order items and RSVP are available at savory.hotlunches.net




Booster Juice smoothies and Cobs Bakery items are available to order for February 10. Please place your order online at savory.hotlunches.net

Online orders are due Feb. 2. If submitting a cash order this needs to be handed in no later than Feb. 1


Students are encouraged to wear black January 13. Commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., Black Shirt Day is both a day of education and remembrance and to raise awareness of the ongoing struggle for civil and human rights faced by Black and racialized Canadians, as well as a call to join together against racism and hate.


Savory welcomes Kindergarten registration applicants from Children born in 2018. These students will begin Kindergarten in September 2023.

January 23 (8:00 AM) to January 27 (3:00 PM)
Regular Kindergarten Registration

If you have any questions about kindergarten registration, please contact School District 62.

Email: info@sd62.bc.ca
Phone: 250-474-9800

In addition, School Change Requests for the 2023-24 School Year are available January 23 through February 3, 2023. Any current Kindergarten to Grade 4 Savory students who are  planning on attending another School District 62 elementary school in the 2023-24 school year, should contact the Savory Office about this change and fill out a School Change Request Form for 2023-24. This is an ideal time for students who were sent to Savory because their Catchment School was full in 2022-23, to transfer back to that school if they wish to attend their Catchment School in 2023-24.

All current Grade 5 Savory Students will automatically be transferred to Spencer Middle School unless families request another school. Please Contact the Savory Office if your Garde 5 student plans to attend another School District 62 Middle School other than Spencer Middle School for Grade 6 and fill out a School Change Request Form for 2023-24.

Thank you


Popcorn Day, Jan 5, 2023

Please place your order online at savory.hotlunches.net

Online orders are due December 22. If submitting a cash order the order form and money need to be handed in no later than December 16. Extra order forms are available at the Savory office.

This Week’s Lunch, Jan. 13, 2023

Please place your order online at savory.hotlunches.net

Online orders are due January 5. If submitting a cash order the money and form need to be handed in no later than January 4.

Boston Pizza January 25, 2023

Orders are due by January 16. Please place your orders at savory.hotlunches.net. No late orders can be accepted.


Savory PAC Fundraising

November & December

Purdy’s Chocolates

The schools winter Purdy’s chocolate fundraiser is happening online now until November 21st.

Savory Spirit Wear

Spirit Wear is now for sale online and paper orders until November 23rd. No late orders can be accepted

  • Please order through the Savory Hot Lunch Site
  • Paper order forms went home the beginning of November

The Savory PAC would like to thank parents for their continued support in our fundraising efforts. Without these we wouldn’t be able to support the school community or host events.

We can be reached at savoryfundraising@gmail.com or on Facebook at Savory Elementary PAC